About Me

Hi, I’m Rachael, author of mamaofminis.com. I am a former Kindergarten and First Grade teacher with a degree in early childhood education and a recently turned stay at home-mom. I live in snowy, cold Wisconsin with my college sweetheart husband and two sweet minis Brooklyn (2) and Brinley (0). 

I have a great love for cooking/baking (and eating), crafting with my toddler, shopping, being outdoors, yoga pants, and all things baby. I created this blog so I can share all about my favorite things and daily mom life in general with you. We also have some recently discovered food intolerances to gluten and dairy in our family and I want to share all that we’ve learned about these including our favorite GF DF products, recipes, and more.

Although I wanted to make a blog to share all of my mom tips and tricks, I do want to respect the privacy of my two sweet girls. Because of this you most likely won’t see photos with their faces in. I will still plan on sharing process photos as well as photos of myself. I can’t wait to share my experiences and knowledge with you and hope you enjoy my blog. Thanks for checking out mama of minis!

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